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Infrastructure Overview

Visiodocs is a SaaS solution (Software as a Service). All data is stored in the cloud, where part of the data processing is done. The main part of the processing is done locally at the end-user computer. The cloud part of Visiodocs is based on Firebase, which handles the user authentication and authorization, runs the database and provides secure storage. Firebase complies with all important standards like ISO 27001. The use of Firebase ensures that all data is encrypted during transit and storage. If you upload documents to Visiodocs, which are not in PDF format, these are automatically converted to PDF. 


Firebase Privacy and Security

You can read the details about Firebase Privacy and Security here.


In-depth Security Information


Security Practices

To keep customer data safe, Visiodocs employs extensive security measures to minimize access:

  • Visiodocs restricts access to select employees, who have a business purpose to access data.


Back-up and Data Retention

The entire Visiodocs database is backed-up daily and the data is kept for 7 days before they are deleted. All projects and user data that has changed are also backed-up daily. The users can restore their backed-up data from within Visiodocs if needed. These back-ups are automatically deleted after 30 days. When a user deletes a project, back-up data is by default kept for 30 days unless the user selects the “Delete all back-ups” option in which case all data is deleted immediately and cannot be recovered. Visiodocs has an option to delete all of the user´s data and back-ups immediately. After doing this data cannot be restored.


Storage of Personal Information

The only personal information stored by Visiodocs is the login user email address, the user name as provided by the user and the country and continent, where the user was located, when the user account was created.


Use of Firebase Storage and Data Locations



Authentication is done using Firebase Authentication.


Cloud Firestore

Cloud Firestore is used to store all Visiodocs data. Visiodocs is set-up to use a database located in a data center physically located in the EU.


Cloud Storage

Cloud storage for Firebase is used to store all documents uploaded to Visiodocs and to store back-ups. When a user signs-up to Visiodocs the continent the user signs-up from is registered and used to determine the servers used to store the user documents.


Sign-up Continent and Server Location

  • Europe & Africa. Server is located within EU (multiple regions)

  • North & South America. Server is located in the United States (multiple regions)

  • Asia & Oceania. Server is located in Asia (multiple regions)


Cloud Functions for Firebase

A limited amount of processing is needed at the backend and for that we use cloud functions for Firebase. The processing is done at the location, where the documents are stored (see Cloud Storage for Firebase).


Firebase Realtime Database

Firebase Realtime Database is used for administrative information, but contains no personal information. Firebase Realtime Database is located within the EU.

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